Littledeer paddles are distinguished by fluid dynamic design, fluid grips and high quality maple wood. Every edge, surface and curve serves a purpose. Each Littledeer cooking paddle is made from a single piece of wood and is shaped, sanded, polished and signed by hand at our workshop in Quebec. Maple can be used in frying and will not damage delicate surfaces. Tom Littledeer is an inventor and designer who learned woodworking and building by apprenticing to his father, a machinist and craftsman. Growing up in a family of good cooks, he also prepared food creatively from a very young age. He discovered a passion for fluid dynamics while simultaneously studying Pure and Applied Science and taking flying lessons. Pulling these skills and interests together, in 1991 he invented the Pot Scoop, the first fluid dynamic cooking utensil.
3 artikel(en)
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  1. Littledeer Sweet Scoop

    Littledeer Sweet Scoop

    € 11,50
    Mooie Esdoornen lepel. Voor het uitscheppen van potjes. Handgemaakt in Quebec, Canada.
  2. Littledeer Serving Scoop

    Littledeer Serving Scoop

    € 30,00
    Mooie Esdoornen opdienlepel. Handgemaakt in Quebec, Canada.
  3. Littledeer Polish

    Littledeer Polish

    € 9,50
    Polish voor het onderhoud van houten eet- en kookgerei.
3 artikel(en)
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